One big problem to stop using Figma

2 min readApr 10, 2021

Summary : Zoom with trackpad on the windows laptops is a nightmare. It’s the most underrated problem.

Most typical users start their digital journey with Windows machines. Since the generation passes, it’s a time for windows laptops or MacBooks.

It’s been clear that almost >75% market share is attained by windows users. When it comes to UX/UI designers, we can see MacBooks in their hands as a routine.

But in the shoes of early birds in designing or mid-class students, they simply cannot afford the mac machines so they opt for budget-friendly windows laptops.

Adobe XD and Figma are the core products in the windows world. While XD is purely focussing on the performance, Figma is having a bigger problem with the experience with the core hardware component of the windows laptop =: Trackpad.

Screen recording while zooming with laptop trackpad

Trust me, the video is not fast-forwarded. If you are having a windows laptop you can relate to this easily.

Recently my organization is migrated from Sketch to Figma because we are facing issues with MacBooks. When we are migrating, this the core problem that we saw with the laptops. Our poor team has to take a mouse along with us wherever we go.

I Hope Figma comes up with a solution for this problem. Maybe having a setting for zoom control or implementing precise zoom experience with the windows trackpads.

As a workaround, you can still have a reasonable zoom experience when you hold control with a two-finger scroll gesture

However, if you also feel this is an important problem to solve, raise your vote against this here

If you are lucky, try using Figma in firefox since it’s having a different JS compiler. Thanks so much for reading!

